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Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.

Patient Combines FUT And
Scalp MicroPigmentation To
Restore His Hairline And Crown.

See this patient's before and after results!

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Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
“I seriously wake up and all I do is blow-dry my hair and put on hair spray, which is amazing! I never thought this would happen!”

Hair restoration can be a process but Dr. Pak will create a long term plan with you. Although everyone wants to be “one and done”, sometimes more than one procedure is needed. This patient wanted to create the fullest look possible throughout his hairline and crown. He began with an FUT hair transplant and came back months later for SMP, a medical grade tattooing process to give the illusion of thicker, denser hair.

# of Grafts
FUT Hair Transplant and Scalp MicroPigmentation

Before the Surgery

FUT Hair Transplant
Dr. Pak will take the time to meet with you before the procedure begins to review your goals.
He will draw for you where he will add the hair grafts and make sure you are happy with the shape of your new hairline.
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After the Surgery

FUT Hair Transplant
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Immediately after your procedure you will see the outline of your new hairline and some temporary redness or swelling may occur. The bandage helps with swelling and is removed at your post operative check and hair wash the day after your surgery.
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Full growth is achieved in 9-12 months after your procedure.

Day of Scalp MicroPigmentation Procedure

SMP for Hairline and Crown
While your FUE or FUT hair transplant is growing in, SMP can be performed to the scalp.

SMP can be performed on men and women. You can change your hair color as the ink is there to create a shading effect, not to match the hair color.

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See the Before and After of Actual Patients
For more information on what a typical day is like for our patients, please read here.

Find out if Hair Restoration is right for you.

Schedule your Consultation with Jae Pak, M.D. today!

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