Scalp MicroPigmentation
SMP, like Microblading, is a permanent, non-surgical tattooing process for Men and Women to create the look of hair.
Trained medical technicians can create a look of very short hairs to mimic a buzz cut, or create a shading effect to give the illusion of thicker hair where hair already exists.

At Jae Pak MD Medical, our medical technicians are full time, trained by Dr. Pak, and have 5-10 years of experience each.
Scalp MicroPigmentation is a great, non-surgical option to enhance the results of a hair transplant surgery or provide another option for patients looking for something that is less invasive. People who are not good candidates for hair transplant surgery or just want to cover a scar often have SMP instead.
Scalp MicroPigmentation can help in the three following areas:
Thousands of men and women who are trapped with their thinning hair or a botched hair transplant scar will testify that Scalp MicroPigmentation is a life-changing experience. (see our Real Self reviews).
There are three different conditions where Scalp MicroPigmentation can help:
1. Create a thicker, fuller look to thinning hair – SMP creates a shading effect to make your hair look more dense when combined with your thinning hair. The stark contrast between your hair color and scalp color is removed, so even when you are standing under bright light or swimming in a pool, you look like you have a thicker, fuller head of hair. Rain, wind and sun or bright lights are no longer an issue!

2. Create a clean, buzzed look – With SMP, you can create the illusion of hair even if you are completely bald, or want to cover where a bald spot exists!
3. Camouflage scalp scars – You don’t have to worry about standing in front of the line or sitting in the front row because you are concerned someone will see your hair transplant scar. SMP can work to disguise the pale scar on the back of your head from a strip surgery, or hide the blotchy dots from an FUE surgery. You can wear your hair shorter without worrying about someone noticing your scar.

Will Scalp MicroPigmentation Really Make A Difference?
Men and women from around the world come to see Dr. Pak about botched hair transplant scars or thinning hair, and are amazed by the results. They are no longer self conscious and are so happy to have found a solution. (see our RealSelf reviews).

How does SMP create the look of real hair?
SMP creates the illusion of real hair by creating a look of a shaved scalp with a five o’clock shadow or filling in patchy spots where some hair still exists. This technique takes the right combination of artistry and technical skills to create the best results. The final results are determined by the level of skill of the doctor and staff, as well as the ink that is used.
This form of medical grade tattooing is done on a different dermal layer than a regular tattoo. A special ink developed by Jae Pak, M.D. is used right under the skin surface to create a permanent layer of coloring. Traditional tattoos are deposited in a much deeper dermal layer than SMP.
By placing the SMP ink in the upper dermal layer, the ink creates more of a look of a natural hair follicle.
Can I finally wear my hair short and hide my hair transplant scar?
The answer is not so simple. We realize you may want to have the SMP procedure so you can wear your hair short without worrying about your hair transplant scar showing through. SMP can disguise your linear hair transplant scar or patchy FUE scars, but there is an important limitation.
You cannot keep your hair too short or the shape of the scar will show through like a line or a step in the contour of your hair. In addition, certain lighting conditions and angles, will expose the scar to the discerning eye.
Does the SMP ink run or fade?
SMP creates a permanent shading effect that will not run, but can fade over time. Occasionally, patients return for a touch up to make the ink slightly darker, but many go 3-10 years without ever needing a touch up.
Unlike using over the counter temporary topicals or concealers such as Caboki, Toppik and Dermmatch, Toppik, which can run when you sweat or get your hair wet, SMP creates no mess! You can do any activity without having to worry about the color.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic fading can take place:
Intrinsic fading is unavoidable and takes place due to the body’s natural exfoliation process and tendency to try to get rid of foreign particles on the skin.
Extrinsic fading can be avoided by the following:
- Washing your scalp within the first three days of your SMP procedure
- Using a steam room or sauna within the first three days of your SMP procedure
- Avoiding or limiting exposure to direct sunlight
- Avoiding topicals containing alcohol such as hairspray, Rogaine and other topical hair and scalp treatments
- Avoiding less experienced clinics and technicians that use inferior ink or untrained SMP technicians.
Jae Pak, M.D. is a pioneer in Scalp MicroPigmentation and combines his technical skills and artistry to train the best SMP technicians in the world. He mixes his own ink and customizes the color for his patients. The SMP technicians of Jae Pak MD Medical are all full time staff members, with years of experience. The best way to avoid extrinsic fading of the SMP ink is to have your procedure at a reputable clinic that uses experienced technicians and the highest quality ink.
Can I change my hair color if I have had SMP?
Yes, because SMP when mixed with existing hair creates a shading effect. It does not matter if your hair color changes. The shading will create a look of thicker, denser hair when surrounded by the existing hair regardless of the color. Will SMP help me hide my FUT or FUE hair transplant scar, even if I wear my hair short?
Will SMP help me hide my FUT or FUE hair transplant scar, even if I wear my hair short?
SMP will definitely help cover linear or patchy hair transplant scars, but the scar will lack the natural texture of actual hair. Although the scar will be camouflaged with SMP by covering the contrast in color between the scalp and hair. However, in certain light, you will still be able to notice the indentation of the scar, especially if your hair is kept extremely short.

How many sessions of SMP is needed?
At Jae Pak MD Medical, we prefer our patients have two to three sessions within a twelve month period. The first two sessions should be performed within 2-3 weeks of each other if possible to create a layering of the ink color. Our price includes up to the three sessions for one price and there are no hidden fees.
The time between sessions allows the skin to exfoliate. The time between sessions does not have to be exactly 2-3 weeks apart and can be scheduled to accommodate the patients scheduled.
Touch ups are available anytime after the first twelve month and only require one session at a greatly reduced returning patient fee.
How long does each SMP session last?
The length of the session will last will depend on the number of areas of the scalp the SMP technician will be working on. Sessions can last between 4-8 hours.
Do I need to be sedated for my SMP session?
At Jae Pak MD Medical, you have the option to have light sedation during your SMP. As a result, you may feel slightly groggy or tired after your procedure. You can resume normal daily activities after your SMP session, however, we recommend waiting until the next day to resume your normal routine if you have chosen to have light sedation. (We highly recommend light sedation as it will help you stay relaxed and more comfortable while your SMP technician works on your scalp.)
Can SMP help redefine my hairline?
Yes, some patients prefer a softer more natural looking hairline while others like a linear look. Dr. Pak will work with each patient to create the customized look they desire.
Can SMP be performed for facial hair?
Yes, the look of facial hair such as goatees and beards can be enhanced to achieve a thicker, fuller look or provide coverage for a scar.
Is Scalp MicroPigmentation a hair tattoo?
Yes, SMP is a medical grade tattooing process that creates the illusion of hair on a bald scalp or under and around existing hair.

How is SMP different from a regular tattoo?
SMP is applied in a different dermal layer closer to the skin’s surface than a regular tattoo. This allows the ink to replicate the look of a hair follicle, versus a blob of ink like a regular tattoo.
How do you match my hair or skin color?
We do not try to match the exact color but instead create a shading effect that simulates the look of a five o’clock shadow or creates a look of density underneath the existing hair. The result is you will not be affected if you change your hair color or naturally turn grey over time.
Can a hair transplant and SMP be performed in conjunction with each other?
Yes, but not on the same day. Many patients like to have SMP after a hair transplant to increase the look of fullness and lessen the contrast between the color of the scalp and their hair. However, both procedures cannot be performed on the same day.
Am I required to shave my scalp before an SMP session?
No, but we do recommend you cut your hair to the shortest length you would feel comfortable wearing it, now or in the future, so our doctor and SMP technician are able to blend the SMP into your hair. When your hair is longer, it is easier to hide bald or thinning spots. By cutting your hair to its shortest length, we will know how to best blend the SMP with the hair to create the most natural and fullest look possible.
Does Scalp MicroPigmentation look like real hair?
Nothing can replace the look and texture of real hair. However, SMP gives the illusion of real hair where there is none or in areas thinning is occurring. A skilled and artistic physician and SMP technician can blend the SMP in such a way that it is very difficult to tell that someone has had SMP, even from close up.

SMP can help those with bad scarring from a previous procedure, those who have had a botched hair transplant and those who no longer have donor hair available. SMP gives our patient a non-surgical option that can help them regain their confidence!
Is Scalp MicroPigmentation permanent like a tattoo?
SMP is very similar to a regular tattoo, as it is permanent but can fade over time. You may need touch ups now and again. Most of our patients are still satisfied with the color of their pigment five years after their SMP sessions. However, we occasionally have patients that prefer their pigment very dark and like a touch up after 1-2 years. Touch ups at Jae Pak MD Medical are performed at a greatly reduced rate for returning patients and only one session is needed.