A picture of a man wearing black shirt and sitting by a tree loooking very happy after his FUT(STRIP) Hair Transplant by Dr. Jae Pak
Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.

Patient Achieves A New Look And New Confidence!

See this patient's before and after results!

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Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
I got the FUT procedure because I have hair loss in my twenties. I don't like having hair loss this early in my life, and I'd like to continue feeling young.

The FUT (STRIP) procedure involves harvesting donor hair follicles with an approximately 6 cm incision in the back of your head. This incision scar is hidden under your remaining hair as long as you keep some length to the hair on the back of your scalp.

Our highly trained medical technicians dissect the donor follicles into individual hair follicles under a high power stereo microscope. The use of a stereo microscope prevents damage (transection) of the hair follicles and allows our surgical team to examine each follicle to ensure it is of the best quality for transplantation.

# of Grafts
FUT(STRIP) Hair Transplant

Before the Surgery

FUT (STRIP) Procedure
In the above and below pictures, you can see where the grafts from the FUT procedure are placed, to fill in the frontal receding hairline.
Left - Day of FUT procedure. Right - 2 weeks after FUT procedure.
Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D. 9 months after surgery, holds photo from the day of his surgery.

Follicular Unit Transplant

Grafts from the FUT Procedure


FUT (Strip) harvesting leaves a linear scar on the back of your head. The FUE harvesting method leaves thousands of very small, round dot scars on the back of your head.

For men and women with normal length hair, these scars will be hidden and inconsequential. For those who want to keep their hair very short (#2 guard or below) you may consider the FUE harvesting method to avoid the appearance of a scar line.

The Results

FUT (STRIP) Procedure


See the Before and After of Actual Patients

Find out if Hair Restoration is right for you.

Schedule your Consultation with Jae Pak, M.D. today!

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