Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
PATIENT STORYPatient Receives a Forehead Reduction Through FUT Hairline Lowering Procedure!
Patient Receives a Forehead Reduction Through FUT Hairline Lowering Procedure!
See this patient's before and after results!
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Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
"Dr. Pak was able to give me so much confidence with my hairline-lowering procedure. I'm just amazed by Dr. Jae Pak and his talent, especially how the procedure went so well!"
This patient of Jae Pak MD Medical always wished for a lower forehead with a more rounded, softer shape. Through an FUT hairline lowering procedure, her first hair transplant redefined her hairline. As she has such thick hair, she came in for a second procedure to add thickness and density.
When hair grafts are implanted, they cannot be touching or they will not grow. In some cases, to achieve the thickness that matches the rest of the hair on your scalp, a second procedure is needed. Dr. Pak creates a long-term plan with you to achieve the permanent results his patients desire.
# of Grafts
FUT Hairline Lowering/Forehead Reduction
Before the Surgery
FUT Hairline Lowering/Forehead Reduction

Before the procedure, Dr. Pak will create your new hairline with you to ensure you will be happy with your final results. You can help decide the final shape of your hairline including if you wish to add a widow’s peak.

Immediately After the Surgery
FUT Hairline Lowering/Forehead Reduction

Immediately after the FUT procedure

Immediately after the procedure you will be able to see an outline of your new hairline. There may be some swelling and redness immediately after the procedure. This will dissipate for most patients within a few days. If you are very fair skinned, the redness may take up to two weeks to completely disappear.
Post Procedure
FUT Hairline Lowering/Forehead Reduction

4 months after the FUT hairline lowering surgery. Full growth is usually achieved in 9-12 months.

1 year later after the first FUT procedure to reduce the forehead.
Second Procedure
FUT Hairline Lowering/Forehead Reduction

Day of 2nd procedure

Immediately after 2nd procedure
Final Results
FUT Hairline Lowering/Forehead Reduction

See the Before and After of Actual Patients
Find out if Hair Restoration is right for you.
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