Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
Patient Addresses His Thinning Hairline with FUE.
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Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
“I was definitely blown away by what I saw after six months. New hairs kept coming in and it was fantastic, highly recommend!”
With a FUE Hairline Restoration procedure at Jae Pak MD Medical, you can redefine your hairline. As we age, sometimes the hairline recesses and thins at the same time. You can use the FUE or FUT method of hair restoration to add density to your hairline and reshape the maturing areas.
Hair grafts cannot be implanted too close together or they will not grow. Sometimes a hair transplant is performed in two stages. The first stage redefines the hairline and the second adds density. The thinner and finer your hair is, the more likely it is you will want to have a second procedure to create a fuller look.
# of Grafts
FUE Hairline Restoration Surgery
Before the Surgery
FUE Hairline Restoration Surgery

Dr. Pak works with each patient pre-procedure to draw with them their ideal hairline.
Post Procedure - Grafts Placed
FUE Hairline Restoration Surgery

It is normal to experience some redness after a hair restoration procedure. The redness will go away in 3-14 days. The bandage is kept on for 24 hours after surgery to help prevent swelling.
The Final Results
FUE Hairline Restoration Surgery

Why I Chose Jae Pak, M.D. for my Hair Transplant - Jae Pak MD Medical
See the Before and After of Actual Patients
Find out if Hair Restoration is right for you.
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