Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
Hats Are Now A Thing Of The Past For This Patient!
See this patient's before and after results!
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Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
I would wear hats during the summer, beanies during the winter, but now I’m confident. I don’t have to worry about having to comb my hair a certain way!
With FUE, you can confidently wear your hair in any style including a “fade”. Even with a buzz cut, it is almost impossible to see the tiny pinprick-size scars that are scattered around the back and sides of the scalp.
Dr. Pak removes the hair grafts from all over the back of the head so there is no cluster of hair missing in any area. The FUE hair transplant method makes the surgery scars virtually undetectable and no area of the scalp becomes too thin from the procedure.
# of Grafts
FUE Hair Transplant
Before the Surgery
FUE Hair Transplant

This patient wanted to lower and fill in his hairline.

Before the procedure starts, Dr. Pak meets with you to design where the hair will be added. Once you are both in agreement, the surgery begins!
After the Surgery
FUE Hair Transplant

Post surgery you will be able to view the outline of your new hairline. It is recommended to wear the bandage overnight to help with swelling. In the morning, you will return to the office for a post operative check up and hair wash.

Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
The Results

Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
See the Before and After of Actual Patients
Find out if Hair Restoration is right for you.
Schedule your Consultation with Jae Pak, M.D. today!
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