A picture of a man standing by the green plants and smiling confidently after his FUT Strip and Scalp MicroPigmentation procedures from Dr. Jae Pak
Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.

Frederic Marq Combines FUT, FUE and Scalp MicroPigmentation Procedures To Create The Best Long Term Results!

See this patient's before and after results!

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Actual Patient of Jae Pak, M.D.
I was extremely meticulous. I did research over 10 years and the only doctor I wanted to go see was Dr. Jae Pak. He took the time to explain to me what was going to happen, how it was going to happen and the results I should expect.

One of our patients, Frederic Marq, received multiple procedures (FUT Strip, FUE and Scalp MicroPigmentation) over many years to restore his receding hairline. The FUT (STRIP) procedure involves harvesting donor hair follicles with an approximately 6 cm incision in the back of your head. This incision scar is hidden under your remaining hair as long as you keep some length to the hair on the back of your scalp. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is considered by the most highly skilled hair transplant doctors as the best method in ensuring the maximum hair grafts available over a patient’s lifetime. The best quality hair grafts can be removed using this procedure as there is less risk of transection than using the FUE method.

# of Grafts
FUT and FUE Hair Transplants combined with SMP

Before the Surgery

Patient before surgery, with hairline visualized. 
Patient before surgery, with hairline visualized.
Vertex/Crown Before Surgery.

FUE Surgery 1

Surgery 2

 The patient prior to receiving FUT (STRIP) surgery. 

The Results

After receiving FUT (STRIP) and Scalp MicroPigmentation, this patient restored his natural hairline. Over time he has returned to Dr. Pak to add additional hair grafts for density through FUE. He can wear his hair wet or dry, with confidence.


See the Before and After of Actual Patients

Find out if Hair Restoration is right for you.

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