Finasteride Shedding: All You Need To Know | Jae Pak MD

- Reviewed by: Dr. Jae Pak, M.D.

Finasteride Shedding: All You Need To Know

Hair loss, a concern that affects many across the globe, often leads individuals to seek various treatments promising restoration and growth. Among these, finasteride stands out as a widely recognized solution for treating androgenetic alopecia (AGA), commonly known as male pattern baldness. 

However, an intriguing and frequently distressing phenomenon associated with the initial stages of finasteride treatment is the so-called “finasteride shedding,” where patients observe a temporary increase in hair loss. 

This article will discuss finasteride shedding, explaining why it occurs, what it signifies, and how it compares to corrective hair surgery or hair transplantation — a method many consider to be a more permanent and effective solution to hair loss.

What Are Finasteride’s Origins, Background, and Mechanisms?

Finasteride is a prescription medication that works by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase. This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone implicated in the miniaturization and eventual loss of hair follicles in those genetically predisposed to AGA. 

By reducing DHT levels in the scalp, finasteride can halt hair loss progression in the crown area and, in many cases, stimulate regrowth. Approved by the FDA in the late 1990s for treating hair loss, finasteride is taken orally, typically in a 1mg daily dosage. 

It’s most effective in men experiencing early to moderate stages of AGA, with studies indicating that it can prevent further hair loss in over 80 percent of users and promote regrowth in about 66 percent. Finasteride’s mechanism targets the hormonal cause of hair loss, making it a potent option for those seeking to preserve their existing hair and potentially recover a portion of what’s been lost. 

However, its effectiveness is closely tied to continuous use — halting the medication can lead to the reversal of benefits within a year, highlighting the commitment required for those opting for this treatment path.

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What Is the Shedding Phase?

One of the most bewildering aspects of starting finasteride for hair loss treatment is the initial shedding phase. New users often report an increase in hair fall within the first few months of treatment, leading to concern and confusion. This shedding is actually a sign that the medication is beginning to work. 

The logic behind this seemingly counterintuitive phenomenon lies in the hair growth cycle, which consists of three phases: Anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting). Finasteride’s action on the scalp accelerates the transition of hairs from the telogen phase back to the anagen phase, causing older, weaker hairs to fall out and make way for new, healthier ones.

If you’re wondering how long it takes for finasteride to work, this phase is temporary and typically lasts between two and four months. After this period, the rate of shedding decreases as new hair grows. 

Do Results Vary Based on Certain Factors?

Finasteride’s impact on hair loss is well-documented, with numerous clinical studies and user testimonials confirming its efficacy. However, the degree of improvement can vary widely among individuals, influenced by factors such as age, the pattern and extent of hair loss, and genetic predisposition. 

Generally, younger men with a short history of hair loss may observe more significant regrowth than those who have been experiencing balding for a longer period. After the shedding phase, users typically notice a decrease in hair fall and, over time, a gradual improvement in hair density. For optimal results, finasteride should be used as part of a long-term treatment strategy, with most studies evaluating its effectiveness over periods of one to five years.

While many users experience positive outcomes with finasteride, it’s important to have realistic expectations. The medication is more likely to preserve existing hair in the crown area and potentially regrow a modest amount of hair rather than restore a full head of hair, especially in areas that are completely bald. 

Moreover, the success of finasteride does not negate the possibility of exploring additional or alternative treatments, such as hair transplantation, for areas where hair loss is more pronounced and less likely to respond to pharmacological intervention, such as the hairline.

What Are Other Side Effects and Considerations?

Like all medications, finasteride comes with a risk of side effects. The most commonly discussed side effects are related to sexual health, including decreased libido, difficulty achieving an erection, and a decrease in semen volume. These side effects are relatively rare, affecting two to three percent of men taking finasteride, and are often reversible upon discontinuation of the medication.

Besides sexual health concerns, some users have reported experiencing psychological effects, such as depression and anxiety, though these are less common. It’s important for individuals considering finasteride to have a comprehensive discussion with their healthcare provider about the potential risks and benefits, taking into account personal health history and any concerns.

Long-term health considerations have also been a topic of discussion in the medical community, with studies investigating the relationship between finasteride and the risk of developing prostate cancer. The findings suggest that while finasteride may lower the overall risk of prostate cancer, it could slightly increase the chances of developing high-grade prostate cancer. However, these results are subject to ongoing debate and research in the medical field.

Making an informed decision about using finasteride involves weighing the potential benefits against the risks. For many men, the possibility of stopping hair loss and regaining hair is worth the small risk of side effects, but this is a personal decision that should be made with careful consideration and professional guidance.

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Why Is Hair Transplantation Considered More Permanent and Effective?

The appeal of hair transplantation lies in its ability to provide a permanent and visually impactful solution to hair loss. 

Here’s what you should know as you begin your hair restoration journey: 

The Permanence of Transplanted Hair

Hair transplantation leverages the concept of “donor dominance,” where hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding are moved to areas of thinning or baldness. These transplanted hairs retain their resistance to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the primary hormone responsible for AGA, even in their new location. 

Consequently, the transplanted hair continues to grow normally throughout the patient’s life, unaffected by the pattern of hair loss that led to the need for treatment.

Effectiveness and Natural Appearance

Advancements in hair transplantation techniques have significantly improved the naturalness of the results. Surgeons like Dr. Jae Pak can now transplant hair follicles with precise control over the angle, direction, and density of hair growth, closely mimicking the patient’s natural hair characteristics. 

This attention to detail ensures that the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with the existing hair, providing a more effective and aesthetically pleasing outcome than ever before.

Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Life Improvements

The success of hair transplantation is not measured solely by hair growth but also by the positive impact on patient satisfaction and quality of life. Studies and patient testimonials frequently highlight significant boosts in self-esteem, confidence, and social perception following hair transplantation. 

The permanence of the results eliminates the daily concerns and maintenance associated with pharmacological treatments, offering a psychological benefit that complements the physical improvements.

Embracing New Beginnings: The Path to Lasting Hair Restoration

We’ve explored the intricate details of finasteride shedding, weighed the benefits and considerations of pharmacological treatments, and delved into the transformative potential of hair transplantation. 

Each path offers its unique set of advantages, challenges, and outcomes, catering to the diverse needs and circumstances of individuals facing hair loss. Among the specialists available in the field of hair restoration, Dr. Jae Pak stands out as a beacon of excellence and innovation.

What sets Dr. Jae Pak apart is his expertise and genuine commitment to his patient’s well-being. Recognizing that hair loss can be a deeply personal and sensitive issue, he fosters an environment of trust and empathy, guiding patients through their restoration journey with compassion and understanding. 

In the end, the quest for hair restoration is about reclaiming confidence, self-image, and the freedom to live life without the shadow of hair loss. With experts like Dr. Jae Pak leading the way, individuals have access to unparalleled expertise and compassionate care, illuminating the path to new hair.

Learn more about Jae Pak MD Medical and get started with hair restoration today. 


Should I worry about finasteride side effects even after stopping the drug? | Harvard Health

An observational retrospective evaluation of 79 young men with long-term adverse effects after use of finasteride against androgenetic alopecia | NIH

Evaluation of long‐term efficacy of finasteride in Korean men with androgenetic alopecia using the basic and specific classification system | NIH

5α-Reductase: History and Clinical Importance | NIH

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