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Does Hair Loss Skip a Generation?

- Reviewed by: Dr. Jae Pak, M.D.

Genetics is a confusing subject with so many layers of complexity. But for practical purposes, we can apply key lessons from gene research to useful discoveries about hair loss, preservation, and restoration.

There’s no doubt that genetics play a role in hair loss, mainly in male pattern balding, known as androgenetic alopecia. However, many follow-up questions come to light when we look into the nature of genetic hair loss.

Specifically, people often ask if hair loss “skips a generation” when passed down since some research suggests this pattern with certain inherited traits. It’s time to find out whether hair loss attributes truly skip a generation and what this means for you if you suspect hair loss at some point in your future.

We’ll also outline some practical tips to handle hair loss if you’re uncertain about what’s to come based on your family tree. Let’s begin.

Hair Loss Genes: What Science Says

Research has come a long way in pinpointing the role of genetics in hair loss, but definitive answers are still hard to find. Still, we can piece together key information to tell us how genes work in the hair loss equation and develop a game plan according to these clues.

Let’s see what science says about hair loss genes and whether these genes skip generations with any consistency or impact.

Polygenic Factors (Not Just One Gene)

The first noteworthy point about hair loss genetics is that many genes are at play in androgenetic alopecia. Estimates vary widely, but over time, research reveals that more genes make a difference than we once thought.

For example, the AR gene, present mainly on the X chromosome (mother’s side), was once thought to be the main cause of balding in men. Androgen receptors certainly play a part, but this is just one of many genes influencing if, when, and to what degree you may go bald.

The scientific community once believed that only a handful of genes determined hair loss, but that number has steadily increased through the years. Some estimates suggest that over 65 genes influence balding differently, complicating things even further.

Among these findings, we debunk another prevalent myth about pattern balding: the condition results only from the X chromosome. It’s time to do away with the idea that only your mother’s side of the family is responsible for balding because your father’s genetics play just as big of a role!

Dominant vs. Recessive Alleles

With a basic understanding of the polygenic nature of balding, we can dive deeper into the question of skipping generations. To figure this out, we need to look at the difference between dominant and recessive alleles, which are simply two versions of the same gene inherited from each parent.

While dominant traits appear in an individual with both types of alleles, recessive traits only appear if an individual has two recessive alleles. This means that a generation can be a “carrier” of a recessive trait but not express them in their physical appearance or phenotype.

That knowledge begs the question: is hair loss a dominant or recessive trait? Given what we know about the polygenic nature of hair loss and the many factors at play, it’s not so simple. While some hair loss genes may indeed be recessive, others may be dominant and, therefore, more prevalent from one generation to the next.

Of course, there’s always the possibility of hair loss skipping a generation, as evidenced in many families throughout history. In these cases, we can infer that the hair loss genes were, in fact, recessive and were “hidden” from the phenotypes of certain individuals on the family tree. This explains why you and your grandfather might be bald, but your father has a full head of hair.

We might not be able to offer a definitive conclusion about hair loss due to its complex genetic background. Still, there’s always the possibility of this condition skipping a generation like so many other traits.

More Than Just Genes

With so much focus on genes, it’s important not to overlook the influence of other factors in androgenetic alopecia. Environment, lifestyle, diet, and hair care all play a part, and focusing too much on genetics can cause some men to forget about the big picture of hair preservation over many years.

Indeed, most men will experience hair loss to some degree in their lifetime, and the likelihood of hair loss grows roughly 10% with each decade of life. However, omitting these other key disciplines will only hurt your chances of preserving hair, so don’t let them fall by the wayside.

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Learning from Your Family Tree

Genetics plays a role in hair loss, but can you predict your future hair health by simply looking for clues within your family tree? Some men see this as the “crystal ball” that will help them predict hair loss, but it’s not so simple.

To reiterate, dozens of genes can influence hair loss, meaning that even a full genomic analysis is unlikely to provide a clear forecast of hair loss for any patient. Add in environmental factors, stress, and other conditions, and the situation becomes quite murky.

Rather than being a detective and investigating family members’ hair loss patterns, it’s best to shift into a proactive state of mind and plan for anything that might come next.

How Do I Handle Genetic Hair Loss?

There’s nothing wrong with mapping your family tree to see whether hair loss might be a factor for you moving forward. Still, there are more useful ways to spend your time and effort as you confront hair loss at any stage. Here are some tips to put into action right now.

Understand the Risk

Living in fear of hair loss is never productive. On the other hand, you don’t want to be naive about the realities of hair loss, so simply acknowledge the risks and play the cards you’re dealt to the best of your ability.

Identify Patterns Early

Are you expecting hair loss in your 20s, 30s, or beyond? Knowing what to look for is key to your success. Know the signs of early hair loss, such as thinning, excess shedding, receding, or subtle changes in hair strength and quality.

The smallest signs can mean the start of something more serious, so always be vigilant by observing slight changes and unusual patterns. Consider taking weekly pictures of your hairline or keeping a file where you track changes that may be of further significance.

Create and Execute a Plan

If the early signs of hair loss appear, the time to act is sooner, not later. This means connecting with trusted hair loss professionals who know the intricacies of the process and sticking to a plan you create with your doctor.

Research clearly states that early detection and prevention are the best methods to combat hair loss, so don’t hesitate to start your action plan immediately.

Fight Back Against Genetic Hair Loss

It’s certainly possible that hair loss skips a generation in some cases, but this doesn’t appear to be the overarching trend throughout years of study and research. Men are at risk of hair loss despite all other genetic indications, and it’s best to be prepared for whatever happens.

Reach out to our Jae Pak MD Medical team if you’re ready to formulate a plan and preserve your hair for the long term, boosting your chances of beating the genetic odds.


Genetic Prediction of Male Pattern Baldness | NIH

History of Baldness on Either Side of Family Increases Risk of Balding | Mayo Clinic
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance | MI Genetics Resource Center

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