Crown of Head & the Regions of the Scalp Explained | Jae Pak MD

- Reviewed by: Dr. Jae Pak, M.D.

Crown of Head & the Regions of the Scalp Explained 

The crown of the head holds more than just the weight of beauty — it’s a testament to the design of human anatomy. A deeper appreciation and understanding of the scalp’s anatomy can answer many hair-related questions and concerns. 

In this exploration, we aim to demystify the regions of the scalp, with a keen focus on the crown. We’ll navigate through the complexities of the scalp’s structure, the crown’s particular importance in hair loss and styling, and how these understandings are crucial for maintaining the head of hair you deserve.

What Is the Anatomy of the Scalp?

The scalp, a seemingly simple stretch of skin that spans the skull, is a complex, multi-layered structure essential for hair growth and head protection. It comprises five distinct layers, each playing a pivotal role. 

The outermost, the skin, is where hair follicles are. Beneath this is the connective tissue, rich with blood vessels and fat cells, providing nourishment and insulation.

At the core of the scalp’s structure is the aponeurosis, a tough layer of fibrous tissue that anchors the muscles that raise and lower the eyebrows and ears. Below this, the loose connective tissue acts as a sliding layer, allowing the upper structures to move smoothly over the skull. In contrast, the pericranium, the scalp’s deepest layer, covers the bone of the skull, serving as an attachment for the overlying layers and a barrier to infection.

These layers work in concert to protect the brain, regulate temperature, and, crucially, support hair growth. A healthy scalp environment ensures optimal hair health, setting the stage for robust hair follicles that can resist the assaults of time and disease.

The Crown 

The crown, located at the top back of the head, is the scalp’s summit and is often a focal point in the narrative of hair loss and hairstyling. This region is known for its swirl or whorl pattern, where hair grows in a circular direction. 

This natural pattern adds complexity to hair restoration and styling, as maintaining the hair’s natural flow is crucial for a seamless look. The significance of the crown extends to its propensity to thin and bald, a common concern for many. 

Male pattern baldness frequently makes its first appearance here, a sentinel warning of the genetic and hormonal interplay beneath the skin. For women, thinning at the crown can also occur, though it typically presents a more diffuse pattern. 

Understanding the crown’s hair growth patterns aids in diagnosing the type of hair loss and tailoring treatment plans, from topical applications to surgical interventions. Moreover, the crown’s hair growth cycle can be affected by various factors, including stress, nutrition, and health conditions. 

This region can be particularly sensitive to these influences, leading to conditions such as telogen effluvium, where hair prematurely enters the resting phase, or alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder causing patchy hair loss. By recognizing the crown’s distinct characteristics and common concerns, we set the stage for targeted approaches to hair care and restoration.

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Frontal Region 

The frontal region of the scalp lays the foundation for the face, setting the stage with the hairline’s contours. This boundary often dictates the first impressions of age and vigor. 

The hair here tends to grow forward, creating a natural inclination that can either complement the facial features or, in the case of receding, highlight the loss of hair. In men, the retreat from the frontline of the hairline is typically the initial maneuver in male pattern baldness, manifesting as a widow’s peak or a uniform recession. 

For women, while less common, the thinning of the frontal region can occur, altering the hairline’s density and shaping a different facial framework. It is essential to recognize the signs early, as this region is particularly responsive to treatments like minoxidil, which can slow or even partially reverse the tide of loss.

The Parietal Region

Adjacent to the crown, the parietal region of the scalp plays a crucial role in the overall volume and shape of one’s hairstyle. This area curves over the sides of the head, starting from the top and extending towards the ears

Hair in the parietal zone often has a more complex growth pattern than the frontal region, swirling in ways that can create challenges for consistent hair length and style. 

The health and thickness of hair in this region contribute to the illusion of density, so thinning here can dramatically affect one’s appearance. It’s also this region that provides a transition from the denser crown area to potentially sparser zones, serving as a barometer for the progression of hair thinning and loss.

The Occipital Region

The occipital region, located at the back of the skull, is typically characterized by the strongest and most resilient hair growth, making it a cornerstone for transplantation procedures. Hair follicles in this zone boast a genetic resistance to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the androgen hormone responsible for hair loss in androgenetic alopecia. This resistance renders the occipital scalp a veritable harvest field for donor grafts during hair restoration surgeries.

Hair taken from this region and transplanted to areas affected by thinning or balding retains its hardy nature, continuing to grow with vigor. It’s this robustness that also makes the occipital hair a reliable indicator of overall hair health.

The Temporal Region

The temporal region, encompassing the area around the temples, is vital in shaping the facial landscape. Hair in this area often frames the face, creating a silhouette that defines one’s look. 

Temporal hair can recede or thin subtly at first, but such changes can significantly alter one’s appearance. This region is often one of the first to show signs of aging in men, where receding can lead to a more pronounced forehead. 

In women, the temporal area rarely recedes but may thin, affecting the softness and framing of the face. Conditions like traction alopecia, caused by tight hairstyles, can also strain the delicate hair in this region. Monitoring and caring for the temporal hair is crucial in maintaining the harmony of one’s facial features.

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How Can I Support a Healthy Scalp?

The health of your scalp is inextricably linked to the vitality of your hair. A flourishing scalp environment encourages strong hair growth, fortifies against hair loss, and supports recovery from scalp conditions. 

Here are some practical tips to nurture a robust scalp:

  • Gentle Cleansing: Avoid harsh chemicals. Choose pH-balanced shampoos that respect the natural acidity of your scalp, preventing dryness and irritation.
  • Regular Exfoliation: Gently exfoliating the scalp can help remove dead skin cells and product buildup, fostering a clean environment for hair follicles.
  • Adequate Hydration: Just like any other skin on your body, your scalp requires moisture. Lightweight, non-greasy hydrating serums can prevent dryness without clogging pores.
  • Balanced Diet: Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, which are essential for maintaining scalp health and hair strength.
  • Protect From Damage: Limit exposure to harsh sunlight, extreme temperatures, and pollution by wearing hats or using protective sprays.
  • Mindful Styling: Reduce tension on hair roots. Opt for looser hairstyles and use non-damaging hair accessories.
  • Manage Stress: High stress can lead to scalp issues like dandruff or telogen effluvium. Activities such as yoga, meditation, or regular exercise can mitigate stress levels.
  • Regular Massages: A gentle scalp massage can increase blood flow, bringing nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles, which may improve hair growth.
  • Avoid Overwashing: Washing your hair too frequently can strip away natural oils. Find a balance that keeps your scalp clean but not depleted.
  • Professional Scalp Assessment: Consult with a specialist for a thorough scalp analysis. At Jae Pak MD Medical, we employ state-of-the-art diagnostics to identify underlying scalp conditions and offer personalized treatment plans.


From the distinctive crown to the framing temporal region, we’ve explored the topography that determines much of our aesthetic and the complex patterns of hair growth and loss. Recognizing the individuality of each region is vital, as is understanding the importance of scalp health as the foundation of it all. 


At Jae Pak MD Medical, our commitment extends beyond procedures; we champion the belief that education and everyday care are key to maintaining the artistry and science of hair. We encourage you to embrace this holistic view, where the right knowledge paired with personalized care can cultivate not only a healthy scalp but also the confidence that comes with it.



Anatomy, Head and Neck, Scalp | NCBI Bookshelf

Aponeurosis | Cleveland Clinic 

What is male pattern hair loss, and can it be treated? | AAD 

Dry Scalp: Causes, Treatment & Prevention | Cleveland Clinic 

Temporal Lobe: What It Is, Function, Location & Damage | Cleveland Clinic 

Parietal Lobe: What It Is, Function, Location & Damage | Cleveland Clinic 

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