Pros and Cons
We list out the pros and cons of getting the FUE Hair Transplant procedure.
Request a ConsultationPros and Cons of FUE
- No Linear Scar.
- Post-operative pain is minimal compared to FUT.
- Hair can be worn short without a visible scar.
- Healing time in the donor area is usually less than FUT (not always).
- Thousands of pin size scars can look moth-eaten and patchy if the hair is cut very short.
- Slightly less growth rate compared to FUT (Strip) due to higher transection.
- Less total lifetime yield compared to FUT (Strip).
- Have to shave the back and sides of your head for surgery unless incurring an extra cost for Long Hair FUE.
- Fees are higher than FUT (Strip).
Isn’t FUE the newer and therefore more desirable method over FUT (STRIP)?
The method of graft removal is not the determining factor of the final outcome, as much as the skill level of the surgeon and their staff. Although FUT harvesting and use of stereo-microscopic dissection is still considered the best by the most highly skilled physicians, FUE does have advantages such as not having a scar on the back of your scalp. FUT, on the other hand, does not involve shaving the back of your scalp in preparation for the procedure. Both the FUE and FUT methods are great options.

What is transection and how likely is it to occur with the FUE versus the FUT procedure?
Transection occurs when the end of a hair follicle is cut while being removed (harvested). During an FUT procedure, the entire follicle is removed on a strip of skin, which produces the least amount of damage to the hair follicles. During an FUE procedure, individual follicles have to be cored out from the root and can be damaged by the tool at the root as it is being harvested out of the skin.
Does an FUE graft look different than an FUT graft?
FUE and FUT (Strip) grafts do look different when they are harvested. FUE grafts are harvested individually which can cause tearing of the bottom tissue and cause some damage. This is just the nature of FUE harvesting but is not transection. FUT (Strip) grafts are removed with a strip of skin and meticulously trimmed into individual grafts under a microscope in preparation for implantation.
Many clinics do not use the microscopes for quality control. At Jae Pak MD Medical, only FUT-equivalent quality grafts are used in our FUE procedures. Patients are not charged for any grafts removed that are poor quality, inferior grafts.
Which procedure is faster, FUT or FUE?
One type of procedure is not faster than another. Multiple factors come in to play such as the skill set and experience of the surgeon, elasticity of the skin and quality control measures used by the doctor and the surgical team. At Jae Pak MD Medical, each hair follicle is inspected under a microscope and only viable grafts are implanted to ensure the best possible results.
Do I have to shave my hair before my FUE procedure?
Unless Long Hair FUE is being performed, the back and sides of your head must be shaved. The recipient (transplanted) area does not have to be shaved.

Are there any side effects to the FUE procedure?
Patients may experience mild discomfort due to minor scalp pain, itching and bleeding during as well as after the surgery.
- No Linear Scar.
- Post-operative pain is minimal compared to FUT.
- Hair can be worn short without a visible scar.
- Healing time in the donor area is usually less than FUT (not always).Thousands of pin size scars can look moth-eaten and patchy if the hair is cut very short.
- Slightly less growth rate compared to FUT (Strip) due to higher transection.
- Less total lifetime yield compared to FUT (Strip).
- Have to shave the back and sides of your head for surgery unless incurring an extra cost for Long Hair FUE.
- Fees are higher than FUT (Strip).